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Chrome Browser Security

How to secure your Chrome browser from malicious attacks in a few short steps.

No matter where we sit, no one is immune from hackers or viruses. The past couple of years have also moved many of us, including the staff of 123Valid, from office to home office. Many may increasingly feel like sitting ducks just waiting for a security breach to happen, to ourselves, or to our company.

At 123Valid we believe that if there is a solution to a problem, there is no need to worry. If there are actions we can take to prevent or address existing problems, why wait.

Therefore, we wanted to share some basic foundational measures we can all perform, without special technical knowledge, to practice good computer security hygiene that can make all the difference to our security health, for more positive personal and business outcomes.

Update Chrome ASAP

30 security vulnerabilities. That is how many fixes were released in a recent stable Chrome update for desktop. Of these 30, 7 were high risk, and 14 were medium risk as defined by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) rating.

It is vital to install these updates rather than depend on them to be rolled out. There is no time for complacency. Do not wait for the headlines or news to report vulnerabilities that hackers are already exploiting.

Pending Updates

Make sure you have checked for pending updates

If you see the Update button in the top right corner of the Chrome browser, click on it and press ‘Update Google Chrome’

You'll only see this option if an update is available and already downloaded. Clicking it will prompt you to restart Chrome. The sites you had open on your tabs will be reopened when Chrome restarts.

Note about color coding for pending updates:

Green: The pending update was released less than 2 days ago.

Orange: The pending update was released about 4 days ago.

Red: The pending update was released at least a week ago.

For extra vigilance, click the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner of your browser.

Click Help > About Chrome. Check for updates. Install and restart if updates are found. If you log-out and shutdown the computer daily, you might not see the ‘Update’ button at all.

But if you do see it, install updates as soon as possible.

*See Google Chrome Updates Help for how to update Android and Apple Devices

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review the Chrome Release Notes and apply the necessary updates.

If you choose to ignore these basic steps, an attacker could exploit the vulnerabilities and take control of any affected systems.


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