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123Valid can help protect your entire interconnected web presence without impacting your bottom-line.

Understand your cyber risk.  Try  us out for free.

We look forward to working with you!

You may be asking yourself...

Why should I use your service?


Nearly half of successful cyberattacks result from external relationships...and 83% of small and medium-sized businesses are not financially prepared to recover from a cyber attack.  

Don't become a statistic.  Use our cloud-based platform to work together with your internal teams and vendors (and even their vendors) to understand your vulnerabilities and reduce cyber as well as other technology risks.  

In addition to being able to view your testing results, our client portal will also allow you to:


  • Determine who is notified when certain systems are tested

  • Determine the types of test results each user can access

  • View high-level as well as detailed solutions to your issues

  • Coordinate issue remediation between the various internal (and external) teams


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