123Valid, LLC | Cybersecurity Experts | Boston
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Protect Your Company and Your Customers From Hackers

Forge a unified front through a secure vendor ecosystem

Don’t Be A Statistic


Nearly half of successful cyberattacks result from external relationships


of organizations experience cyber attacks.
Nearly half  due to vulnerable external relationships (suppliers, vendors)


of organizations had systems penetrated by hackers where data and systems were held hostage


of business-critical applications suffer unplanned downtime due to a cybersecurity incident on at least a monthly basis, with a median of 12 outages per year


of small and medium-sized businesses are not financially prepared to recover from a cyber attack.

“Thanks to 123Valid's expert guidance, we've significantly enhanced our security measures, fortifying both internal systems and third-party interactions. Their dedicated efforts have been crucial in establishing a robust defense against evolving threats, ensuring our data integrity and customer trust remain unshaken.”

Vincent Maglione, CISO Grasshopper Bank

We know the risks

Frequent scans and reviews of your entire interconnected web presence are the best way to protect your company and its customers from the changing threats

The ability of hackers

to penetrate exposed networks and web servers can have dire consequences to your business

Hacker capabilities 

are constantly changing, and testing methodologies and processes need to continuously adapt to keep up

If a hacker penetrates

your IT systems, they can steal or corrupt your corporate and customer data

In an interconnected system

all nodes need to be secure to reduce risk to the whole system.

We Keep You Ahead of Hackers

We Help You Secure Your Systems

123Validate Allows You To Work With Your Vendors

  • Scan networks and application servers frequently to uncover vulnerabilities

  • Web-based portal provides notifications and comprehensive vulnerability reporting

  • Reporting includes recommended solutions for rectifying issues

  • Organize the remediation process

  • Requires no integration effort and can be up and running in no time

  • Identify and rate the vulnerabilities of exposed Networks and Web applications on an ongoing basis

  • Employ Black Box testing…same method used by hackers

  • OWASP / NIST based testing

  • Continuously augment and enhance testing capabilities to stay ahead of evolving threats.

  • Historical reporting shows vulnerability resolution 

  • Reduce risk by proactively addressing threats to your infrastructure

Are You Ready to Experience the Power and Flexibility of 123Validate for Your Business?

The steps are simple.:


  1. Get started with a demo

  2. We will provide you with proposal that fits your organization needs

  3. Realize the invaluable  results and benefits immediately


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